Since I am not one for jewelry, I decided to get something that I thought Randi might like more than a little bling for the "push present" (which in this case is more like a slice and dice present). I got her a weekend away from all children in Chicago to see Dave Matthews Band at Wrigley Field.
Not to sound too selfish, but I love this town and I love Wrigley. There is also another bonus for the concert being on September 18th. We will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary (9/20) in the Windy City. It should be fun.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Two Birds, One Stone
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Our First Week with Ridley
We made it!! It was a jam packed week. I am glad I was able to take the whole week off of work.
As you know, Ridley came into the world on Friday, July 9th. Randi was in the hospital until Sunday evening. She was doing well with recovery and decided to go home a day early. She is having some residual swelling that has kept the Carpel Tunnel biting. On Monday and Tuesday, we made trips to the lactation consultants at the hospital. Nursing is one thing Randi really wanted to make an effort to do that we were not able to be as successful as we had wanted with Parks and Wyatt. It has taking some time and patience, but I think that Ridley is getting the hang of it quite well. It is amazing that, as a species, we have breastfed successfully without pumps, and ointments, gel packs, and consultants for eons.
On Wednesday, we had a little scare. With the breastfeeding, there comes some irritation, and with the irritation there came a little blood. Apparently, Ridley ingested some and it did not settle well on his stomach. He spit up once with out fanfare, much like Parks used to, but the second time his spit up, it was a blood and milk mixture with several blood clots. We were a little panicked but got on the phone with the pediatrician and the lactation consultant to find out that it is not uncommon. That same evening, Randi was still pretty swollen and now had a severe headache. She checked her blood pressure on my mom's portable unit, and it was extremely elevated. After a very long evening and a trip to the emergency room, everything turned out to be normal.
We made a trip to the OB on Thursday to follow up on the elevated blood pressure. Again, everything came back normal. We were very relieved that there were not a serious complications. To add insult to injury, myself, Randi's mom and my mom all ended up on antibiotics this week for some kind of strep-like infection. Needless to say, it has been anything but a boring first week at home.
On Friday, we took Ridley to the pediatrician for his one week well check and to weigh him. At the hospital he went from 8 lbs, 14 ounces to 8 lbs, 4 ounces. One week after his birth, he weighed in at 9 lbs, 2 ounces.

Friday, July 9, 2010
Pictures of Ridley
Ridley is Here!!
Ridley was born this morning at 7:5o, kicking and screaming. He came out at a whopping 8 lbs, 14.8 ounces and 21 inches long. That makes him a full 1 1/2 lbs more than Parks and Wyatt's birth weight combined. Pictures are coming!!