I still can not get used to strangers' comments when we are out in public. Since we have made it a habit to get out of the house with the boys at least once a day, I just wait for what seems to be the inevitable. We are very gracious when the comments and questions start to come. We say "thank you" a lot and "yes, they are twins" a dozen or more times. Often we end up giving answers to a lot of the same questions. "No, we don't think they are identical. This one has blue eyes, and this one has brown ones." "Yes, this one is a little bigger, but the smaller one is older by two minutes." "Yes, they are a lot of work, but this is all we know."
I also love to keep my ears open for quiet conversations that occur that are not directed at us. I over heard one between a father and son that made me laugh. Wyatt still had his helmet at the time. The son said, "Look that boy hurt his head." The father's reply was, "No, he had to have surgery." Also, we get a lot of people that just stare nothing more. From the time that they spot us until the time that we pass them, they stare. They stare and say nothing more. We smile politely as we walk by them, and they continue to stare.
I could not imagine how much more attention we would draw if we had triplets or more. All in all, we are gracious and patient, but I can't help but chuckle a little inside everytime.
Posted by Todd and Randi at Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1 comments
Labels: Birthdays, Six Months to 1 Year Old
Posted by Todd and Randi at Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3 comments
Labels: Birthdays, Six Months to 1 Year Old
Posted by Todd and Randi at Monday, May 19, 2008 1 comments
Labels: Birthdays, Six Months to 1 Year Old
Me and the boys went to the Park one day last week, and we were slathering on sunscreen. As I rubbed it on their heads, we started playing with their hair. Parks had a very nice faux-hawk going, and I got a couple pictures of it. I am not being partial towards Parks. It's just that it didn't have the same effect with Wyatt. He looked more like Charlie Brown or Homer Simpson with his one or two hairs sticking up (which they always do anyways).
Below is a video of one of Wyatt's first attempts at crawling. This is a huge deal in our house because Parks started crawling over two months ago. Wyatt's physical therapist told us the gap between he and Parks would widen as it came time for the more physical milestones...sitting up, crawling and eventually walking. We were beginning to think he might never crawl. We're so proud of our little man!
Here are a few things to watch for. He is whining the entire time. He is easily distracted, i.e. my talking to him, a piece of paper on the floor, or to study the lines on the rug. He takes a short recess half way to rollover on his back and grab his feet. With all the toys we have to coax him, he ultimately crawls to Randi to retrieve the remote control. Once he finally get what he wants, he sprawls out flat in total exhaustion.
Posted by Todd and Randi at Thursday, May 15, 2008 3 comments
Labels: Birthdays, Six Months to 1 Year Old
I just wanted to send out a recognition for the new blog design. It took a little effort, but we think it turned out well for doing it ourselves. We used Cute Blogs for the background wallpaper and used Scrapblog to create the header with the boys' picture on it. We will keep evolving the blog as the family grows and matures. Thanks again for everyone peeking in on our corner of the world.
It seems the boys are hitting big developmental milestones the last couples of days. For posterity's sake, I thought I should blog about it. We still don't have a walker, but I feel like Parks will be taking steps within the next few weeks. He's getting braver everyday and even letting go for a second or two while cruising between pieces of furniture.
We have been practicing for months on both boys' pincher grasp. After every meal we give them Cheerios and Goldfish for them to try and feed themselves. I thought they would never get it, but last night at dinner Parks figured out how to feed himself Cheerios. Yeah!! No more of me and Daddy having to put them in his mouth. He's been feeding me and Todd Cheerios for two weeks, but he has now learned to feed himself.
Wyatt is wanting to pull up on everything, his crib, toys, furniture, and us. He's also really close to crawling. He gets on all-four and rocks back and forth. He has even started to belly crawl in the last couple days. It's only a matter of time before both of them are on the go. Lord, help us.
NO MORE HELMET!!! That thing was starting to smell like a middle school boy's locker room. You can imagine how bad it would have been if he'd of been wearing it this summer. Wyatt and I made the trip this morning to the orthotist for a head scan and evaluation. All major issues have been resolved. My son now has a symmetrically-shaped head. He no longer has a bulge on the right side of his forehead, has only a slight degree of flatness on the right rear quadrant, and his ears are aligned well.
Below is a copy of the scan we got today. The line in red is from January, when we first started the process, and the blue line is the one from today. They lowered him in a small U-shaped tube and in 2 seconds, had a 3-D scan of his head. He has made such great improvements and was so patient with the entire ordeal of the last three months. We often joke about how it would have been if Parks had been the one to need the helmet. WOW!!
We have been taking the boys out in the afternoons to run errands and just to get out of the house for a while. Our hot spots are Target, Wal-Mart, Kroger, etc., and we get recognized all the time. It works well to wear the boys out before we put them to bed and break up the monotony of the day. Some times they get a little more tired than others. This emotion range can swing the pendulum in two very different directions. At times, it turns to tantrums and crying; other times it turns into laughing bouts of delirium. We captured one of those moments tonight on the way back from Mellow Mushroom.
Parks was crawling up Randi's leg, and she snapped off this shot of him. You can tell be the look on his face that he is up to no good. He really wanted the camera, and it was only a few inches from his face. It was so washed out in color but turned into one of my favorite shots in black and white.