Friday, May 18, 2007

Answers To Questions

I wanted to answer a few questions that have been raised over the last couple days that I might have failed to address earlier and give an update on the day's event.

Wyatt was 15 1/4 inches long, and Parks was 17 inches long at birth. Almost two inches makes a lot of difference. They have both started to lose a little weight, which is to be expected. Wyatt has lost less than an ounce, and Parks has lost 3 ounces. They have started taking to the feeds, and Randi is doing a lot better with the pumping. Every drop of that stuff is "liquid gold." I've been trying to help her out as much as I can, and I will NEVER look at those things the same way. We have seen a couple lactation consultants that have been very helpful, and I have to say that they were not shy to give demonstrations. It was quite odd to see a woman my mother's age massaging her breast in front of me, and I not think twice about it. I was too focused on the technique and form she used to get "weirded out" about it. As Randi will probably reaffirm, you gain a lot of humility and lose a lot of unabashed modesty throughout the course of this whole process.

Wyatt and Parks are doing very well also. They are still located in the Intensive Care Nursery (ICN) Level III, although they have been stepped down in the hospital's system to the Level II ICN. This is great news. We have found a couple great RN's and NP's that we really like taking care of our boys. Wyatt is still under the bili lights in the isolette and hates to get turned over on his belly. Every time they try to put him in this position, he looks like he is trying to swim out of his fish bowl. We figure that this is his first chance to stretch out, and he is taking advantage of every second of it. Parks's bilirubin levels are also becoming elevated. So, it is most likely that he will be under the bili lights soon. They are also trying to find an appropriate level on the feeds. Wyatt is going slow, and they are not trying to push him too much. I believe they are being a little more cavalier with Parks because of his size. He has resisted a few feeds, but they are working to find a happy medium to put more weight on them both.

The perinatologist made his first visit this morning. I believe that he was very excited to see the boys and check their progress. He is still amazed at how well the whole situation turned out. He told us flat out today that if Randi had not of been able to put up with what she did, he would have delivered weeks ago and put it in the hands of the ICN. We are going to try and do something for his office and bring the boys around when we are able. They also had to put up with a lot for us.


Anonymous said...

I am very happy for y'all! You have SO much to look forward to. My twins are 2 years and 8 months old and I can't believe it! They grow up incredibly fast so try to enjoy EVERYTHING!

Randi, I have to say that I have never met your husband but I think he just might be a keeper. I can tell from the posts that he is super hands-on and is already a wonderful father. It took Jeff a few years to show me what a great father is (but it took a while-ha!). You are lucky to have such a great husband and father for your sweet boys. And those boys are blessed to have you as their mommy.

To comment on the modesty issue....yes, I used to be painfully modest, but then God blessed me with a twin pregnancy. With perinatologists, OB-GYN's, lactation consultants, mothers and mother in laws helping the babies get latched on properly, the modesty left the building altogether. Fun stuff, but all worth it!

Matt and Amy Snow said...

So absolutely precious! Absolutely precious!!!!!!!! Prayers continue to be with y'all during this transition.
P.S.---I'm cracking up about the modesty thing. It's truly through motherhood that things that once were important, are no longer so:-)

Anonymous said...

This blog is hysterical...but, true. Modesty does go out the window during the pumping phase. Everything sounds great.

Jennifer said...

Thinking of ya'll today!

Anonymous said...

delurking to say I'm laughing so hard at the modesty thing! I too have twins and breastfeeding them I quickly found out that modesty is just not going to happen! Thinking of you guys! They are so beautiful and lucky to have you two for parents! Your doing an awesome job of looking out for them!
Amy in Ontario, Canada

Anonymous said...

Randi and Todd, your babies are beautiful and bring back such wonderful memories! My twins were 32 weeks early, and it was exciting to see the doctors and nurses amazed at how well they's a wonderful time to testify of your faith and how God does answer prayers!
Concerning the breast can do it Randi! As Todd said "it's liquid gold" and small amounts at first. By all means don't get discouraged. The first few nights I was home from the hospital I set the clock in the middle of the night to make sure I woke up so I could pump. After all, once the babies came home they were going to need middle of the night feedings, and it's a supply and demand. After a few nights I never had to set the clock breast woke me up full of milk begging for some relief. I remember jumping out of bed, and stripping my gown off as I raced to the pump to get some relief. Once the twins were home, I discovered that from pumping I was producing more milk than they could take in at one feeding. I would freeze some for possible future need, and then would place a towel over my breast until they stopped dripping. After about a week and only nursing the babies, my breast adjusted to the correct amount. Isn't it awesome how God has wonderfully made us to care for our young! Happy nursing!

Anonymous said...

One more thing about nursing! One of the twins (son) was much more aggressive (typical male, lol) and our daughter was more passive. To keep my breast from being noticably different in size and producing different amounts of milk I would switch breast each feeding. Being tired as I was, I couldn't ever remember who had which breast last, so I took a safety pin and hooked it on my bra on the side our daughter had nursed last, and that way I knew our son got it the next time. The pin went back and forth to help me remember. Enjoy those sweethearts!