Monday, May 14, 2007

By The Numbers

The delivery is imminant, and I was trying to look back at everything that have happened over the last 30 some odd weeks. Randi is 33 weeks, 2 days gestation today. It is 3:52 in the a.m., and you are watching Perspectives. (Sorry, really bad, old SNL sketch) Anyways, here it is, by the numbers. It has been:

30 weeks since we found out that Randi was pregnant
27 weeks since we found out we were having twins
26 weeks since Randi had a hematoma that sent us to the perinatologist
21 weeks since the first trimester ended
19 weeks since we first found out that we were having twin boys
15 weeks since we first saw increased resistance in both umbilical cords
12 weeks since Wyatt started measuring behind on his growth scans
9 weeks since Wyatt started having absent end diastolic flow
7 weeks since Randi was put on bed rest until delivery
6 weeks since we made the first trip to L & D for Randi's cramping
5 weeks since the second trimester ended
4 weeks since Wyatt exhibited reverse end diastolic flow
4 weeks since Randi received IV fluids to reverse the reverse flow
3 weeks since we announced the boys names
3 weeks since Randi got her first set of steroid shots to help the boys lungs
2 weeks since we found tricuspid valve regurgitation in Wyatt
1 week since IV fluids stopped helping the reverse flow
1 week since Randi was admitted full time to the hopsital
1 week since the second round of steroids the help lung development
3 days since Randi had pulmonary edema
2 days since Wyatt started having late decelerations in heart rate


1 day until delivery of Samuel Wyatt and Emerson Parks

I'm gonna be a baby-daddy


Anonymous said...

I have been following your story and praying for you and will continue to pray. Your babies will be delivered on my 40th birthday! May it be a wonderful day for your family.

Jennifer said...

I LOVE that I could not see how this ended until I scrolled down. A baby daddy you are, my friend...from now 'til eternity. You have just begun to taste the rollercoaster that is having your heart walking around in a little body (or 2) outside your chest. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have followed your story once I was linked to you from Jenmom. I have prayed so much for the safe arrival of your boys. May God Bless you and Keep you Safe over the next 24 hours. I remember the joint feeling of excitement and fear when I went into surgery to deliver my two. May God give you peace through this process. Pooh and Tiger (Wyatt and Parks) are a wonderful blessing from God. May you never forget what it feels like to hold them for the first time.
In my prayer,
Jaime in Georgia

Tara said...

Many, many prayers for a safe delivery for Mama and for babies. May God continue to bless and protect you all in the days to come!

Anonymous said...

Soon you will both know exactly what love it all about ~when you see your newborn sons for the first time. Cherish that always and good luck to you all. I will be thinking of you. Randi, I am sending you a BIG HUG!!
In my thoughts,

Aunt Boo said...

Congrats Todd!

I know you are excited and a little on edge at the same time. I know that they will be a couple of handsome little boys.

Praying for you, Randi, Wyatt and Parks!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.